Channel 10
“Interview: Photographic Exhibition in Argentina”

Newspaper ANRoca
“Photographer from the city of Roca will exhibit his work in Casa de la Cultura after travelling across 47 countries”

Newspaper Río Negro
“When photos tell the world: the exhibition of the person from Roca that traveled 47 countries”

TV channel 24/7

Interview about the Photographic Exhibition in Argentina

Newspaper from Bangladesh “The Business Standard” –
“Pripyat, The ghost town”

Newspaper Río Negro
“The photo of a person from Roca, chosen for an international exhibition in Paris”

Newspaper Río Negro

“Portrait of a gaucho”

Newspaper Río Negro

“The look of children: an exciting journey with the photos of a psychologist from Roca stranded in Bali”

Magazine Lanzallamas

“Childhoods, on the other side of the world (fotorreportaje)”

Newspaper Río Negro

“100 days stranded in paradise: the adventure of a psychologist from Roca in Bali”

Canal 3 Rosario – Antes de salir
Interview about the Covid19 pandemic in Bali, Indonesia

Magazine ÁRIDA – IUPA –

“The nomadic years”

Magazine Fotoargenta
Photographic work about Chernobyl

Radio Metro 95.1 Buenos Aires
Interview for Su atención por favor: books+exhibition+travels+photos

Canal 26

Interview from Turkey: Coronavirus and military tension with Greece

Canal 26

Interview from France: Coronavirus situation

Radio La Bougeotte
Interview for French radio on coronavirus situation and daily life in Bali, Indonesia

Radio LU5 Neuquén
International photo exhibition in Paris